Navigating Change: The Importance of Rider Education in On-Demand Transit 🚌📢

June 26, 2024

This April, our CEO Justin Hunt had the chance to discuss the importance of rider education for on-demand transit systems at the Ontario Transit Expo. We wanted to share the learnings from this presentation, as the success of any transit technology initiative hinges not only on its functionality but also on how effectively it is communicated to the riders. In this blog post, we pass along some of the lessons we have learned from our years of experience launching on-demand transit projects.

We know most transit agencies are constantly striving to enhance their rider’s experience. However, amidst the excitement of offering new technology to passengers the crucial aspect of communication often gets overlooked. On-demand transit represents a paradigm shift in traditional transit models, with its tech-driven approach requiring active participation from riders. Yet, many riders may be unfamiliar with this concept, especially if it's the first time it's being introduced in their community. The introduction of new technology adds another layer of complexity, necessitating effective change management.  

Without proper communication, riders may not be aware of the new service, leading to low ridership numbers. Additionally, lack of understanding can breed opposition, hindering adoption of the new service. The failure to educate riders on how to use the on-demand transit results in increased customer support costs, negating the benefits of innovation.

Strategies for Successful Communication Campaigns

Building a robust communication plan is essential for the success of any transit initiative. Below are key elements to consider when implementing a new on-demand transit technology:

🕑 1. Timeline Considerations:

  • Strategically plan the timing of your communication efforts, avoiding both premature announcements and last-minute rushes.
  • Ensure a balance between generating excitement and providing clarity to avoid confusion among riders.

💰 2. Budget Considerations:

  • Allocate sufficient resources to communication efforts to complement investment in the new service.
  • Maintain a sustainable budget allocation throughout the launch period, prioritizing ongoing communication over initial promotion.

🎯 3. Target Audience Considerations:

  • Identify and understand the demographics of your target audience to tailor communication strategies effectively.
  • Develop user personas to empathize with riders'’ needs and preferences, guiding content creation and dissemination.

📣 4. Channels/Mediums of Communication:

  • Utilize diverse communication channels, including physical and digital platforms, to reach a wide audience.
  • Leverage partnerships with local stakeholders to amplify your message and enhance community engagement.  

📝 5. Content Considerations:

  • Focus on informing, convincing, and educating riders about the new service'’s features and benefits.
  • Establish a comprehensive content library to support marketing efforts and ensure consistency across channels.

🗣️ 6. Media Relations:

  • Emphasize the rider-centric benefits of the new service when engaging with media outlets.
  • Provide clear instructions on how to access and use the service to empower riders with actionable information.

🤝 7. Partnerships with Local Stakeholders:

  • Forge strategic alliances with universities, employers, and other community entities to promote the service and foster adoption.
  • Harness the advocacy of local partners to disseminate marketing materials and expand outreach efforts.

🚙 8. Driver Alignment:

  • Train frontline staff to provide accurate information and support to riders regarding the new service.
  • Foster alignment among transit team members to ensure cohesive support for the launch and ongoing operations.

📲 9. Booking Method Promotion:

  • Prioritize the promotion of mobile app and online booking methods to streamline operations and reduce reliance on traditional booking channels.

🌏 10. Multilingual Accessibility:

  • Cater to diverse linguistic needs by providing information in multiple languages, reflecting the cultural diversity of the community.
  • Encourage the use of technology-based booking methods to optimize service efficiency and accessibility.

At Blaise Transit, we recognize the need for clear, consistent communication in fostering rider engagement and facilitating seamless transitions. By prioritizing communication strategies that resonate with transit riders, we aim to improve accessibility to on-demand transit, one informed rider at a time.  


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