Blaise Simulations

Our proprietary technology enables us to analyze your current transit operations and provide insights into how it can be improved. Blaise Simulations will generate recommendations on which transit models to implement and the ideal parameters for each service.


Start Your Transit Journey

Blaise aims to build effective, accessible, and efficient transit for everyone! We can help you streamline your existing transit system or help you develop one from scratch.

analysis and simulations

Simulations and Analysis

Our proprietary technology and talented network analysts will run simulations for hundreds of scenarios throughout your network. This enables us to provide recommendations on the best transit models and parameters that meet your needs and objectives.

gathering data

Gathering Data

By providing Blaise with data on your existing transit network, we gain exposure to how your system is currently performing. If you don't have transit ridership data, we'll generate a realistic model using other available data. This data will serve as the basis for the customized analysis we'll perform on your community's transit needs.

implement solutions

Implementing Solutions

Once we have information on how the transit system can be optimized, we will work with you to implement these solutions so you can enhance your transit network. Whether using the Blaise platform, or streamlining your existing system, we’re committed to help you improve ridership and decrease costs.

gain insight into operations

Get insight into your transit network

Get data on where the bottlenecks are in your service. This insight will enable you to make changes that have a real impact on your transit network.

save money and resources

Save money and resources

With the recommended solutions you can streamline your service. Adjust underutilized routes to reduce empty vehicles, expand service coverage, and save costs while offering a better service to riders.

user experience

Improve the rider experience

Through optimized solutions, riders are able to have accessible transit that is convenient, effective and efficient.


Join our growing network of sustainable transit!

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